Member for Isaacs

Opinion pieces

Labor - a tradition of reform

01 November 2011

This week marks 20 years since the superannuation guarantee was announced in the 1991 budget by then Labor treasurer John Kerin; an announcement that laid the groundwork for the superannuation system as we know it today.

Mr No says yes: Abbott stokes dissent

01 November 2011

Mr Abbott said on national TV you can't believe anything he says, so there's every chance he won't honour his pledge to leave in place the increase in the super guarantee, which of course will mean Australian workers retiring with lower savings while hugely profitable mining companies get a tax break.

Coalition's carbon deceit

01 November 2011

Julie Bishop's criticism that Australian businesses should not be able to buy international carbon permits reveals the complete rejection of basic economics that underpins the opposition's completely discredited climate change policy.

More wrecking from Abbott

01 November 2011

Of all the objectionable lies that Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has told, the latest load of nonsense about repealing the Clean Energy Future is the most damaging to Australia.

Liberals' carbon confusion

01 November 2011

I've given up expecting the opposition to tell the truth about the government's clean energy future plan. But they could at least tell the truth about their own past positions.

You call this a serious debate Tony Abbott?

01 November 2011

Despite Tony Abbott's four-month-long bricklaying, petrol pumping, fish-slicing fear campaign, Australians continue to engage in the national discussion about climate change.

Building an energy efficient culture

01 November 2011

Just like Australians have done with water consumption, we need to make a change in the way we think about energy use

Baillieu government joining Abbott's circus

01 November 2011

It is profoundly disappointing that the Baillieu government is walking away from those commitments, and policies established by previous Victorian governments, preferring to join Mr Abbott's circus of lies and misinformation.

Liberals: big on cost, small on action

01 November 2011

Mr Abbott's threats to scrap the carbon price are economically irresponsible and environmentally reckless. The government's Clean Energy Future plan will ensure we cut carbon pollution in the most economically efficient way, support jobs and assist households

Lighting a fire under climate change

01 November 2011

By controlled early burning, it's possible to significantly reduce the number of uncontrolled late-season wildfires and the carbon emissions they release.