30 August 2023
Voting Yes is a simple but powerful act we can all do to help close the gap in health, in housing, in education, in every area where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders don’t enjoy the same quality of life as every other Australian.
The Voice can do no harm – only good for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and for the country more broadly.
21 August 2023
The No campaign is offering no solutions to the problems affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which successive governments have tried but failed to address with the best of intentions.
The only thing the No campaign is offering is more of the same. They want nothing to change, when we know more of the same is not good enough.
The Voice can do no harm – only good for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and for the country more broadly.
20 July 2023
We cannot risk more of the same. But more of the same is all the No campaign has to offer.
The Voice can do no harm – only good for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and for the country more broadly.
08 June 2023
The Australian Government is making clear there is no place in Australia for symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust.
And there is no place for those who seek to profit from the trade in these evil symbols, or use them to promote their hatred.
28 March 2023
The Albanese Government is now acting to make sure the family law system is focused on what is best for children.
04 March 2022
At a time when we need a leader who can bring Australians together, Mr Morrison seems determined to promote division and disunity if he sees partisan political advantage in doing so, whether it be on China, Israel or protecting people of faith from discrimination.
13 December 2021
The Government’s refusal to honour its election promise is allowing corruption to go unchecked, enabling ministers to avoid being held to account and undermining public and international confidence in the Australian Government.
Labor will end the inaction by establishing a powerful, transparent and independent national anti-corruption commission
08 September 2021
The only conclusion we can draw from the fact it’s now been 1,000 days without the national anti-corruption commission Scott Morrison promised us back in 2018 is he never had any interest in introducing one.
16 August 2021
The Morrison Government chose a side by throwing the whole weight of the Commonwealth Government behind Clive Palmer, hoping to convince the High Court to strike down the McGowan Government’s border measures and hand Palmer a victory.
12 April 2021
The tragic conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and the fraught peace process in which they have been involved for generations is too important to be used by politicians desperate to be noticed by their colleagues.