Member for Isaacs


Parliament House Doorstop 31 August 2016

31 August 2016

SUBJECTS: Coalition backbenchers defying the Prime Minister to water down Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Melbourne Doorstop 24 August 2016

24 August 2016


ABC TV Lateline 24 August 2016

24 August 2016


Sydney Doorstop 12 August 2016

12 August 2016

SUBJECTS: Attorney-General George Brandis refusal to release segments of his diary under the FOI Act

ABC RN Breakfast Fran Kelly 8 August 2016

08 August 2016

SUBJECTS: Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act; Marriage equality, Indigenous legal services

Broome Doorstop 8 August 2016

08 August 2016

SUBJECTS: Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act; Indigenous legal services; Bill Leak cartoon

ABC Radio Melbourne Drive Rafael Epstein 1 August 2016

01 August 2016

SUBJECTS: Royal Commission into abuse in Northern Territory juvenile detention system

Sky News To The Point 14 July 2016

14 July 2016

SUBJECT: Marriage equality plebiscite

ABC RN Breakfast Fran Kelly 1 July 2016 - Mark Dreyfus QC MP

01 July 2016

SUBJECTS: CFA dispute; election wrap-up

Melbourne Press Conference 24 June 2016

24 June 2016

SUBJECTS: The government's wasteful marriage equality plebiscite; Brexit