Member for Isaacs


Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014

30 October 2014

The Foreign Fighters Bill directly addresses current threats to Australian security which have arisen out of present circumstances in Syria and Iraq

Condolence Motion For the Hon. Edward Gough Whitlam

28 October 2014

Gough Whitlam changed Australia for the better.

Australian Human Rights Commission report into workplace discrimination against new parents

20 October 2014

Half of all mothers experienced discrimination in the workplace either during pregnancy, parental leave, or on return to their job.

National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2014

01 October 2014

As the Government brings forward further Bills dealing with national security matters, Labor will continue to play the role of a critical but responsible Opposition. We will offer the Government our assistance in getting the balance right, but our support should not be taken for granted if the Government seeks to rush through ill-conceived proposals.

Australian Republican Movement Victorian Branch Forum

01 June 2014

The challenge of succeeding at referendum in Australia is such that we cannot rest on our laurels. We cannot be an inevitable' cause which nonetheless never succeeds. We must build a positive, inclusive case for the republic.

Address on the Federal Budget to the ALP Victorian State Conference Dinner

17 May 2014

More than any government in living memory, the Abbott Government is a government of lies.

26th Lionel Murphy Memorial Lecture

30 May 2013

I am proud to be engaged in the long struggle to build a more just Australia. And I am proud to be part of the great Labor tradition of progressive politics, a tradition in which Lionel Murphy remains an exemplary figure.

National Apology for Forced Adoptions 2013

21 March 2013

On behalf of our nation, we offer you our unreserved apology for the grief and pain these practices have caused and vow to ensure these practices are never repeated.

Deepavali Festival - Shiva Vishnu Temple - Carrum Downs

17 November 2012

Tonight we commemorate the Deepavali Festival, which is celebrated not only by Hindus but also by followers of the Sikh and Jain faiths. In India, the world's largest Hindu population celebrates the festival each year with huge enthusiasm, with millions of candles lit and hundreds of firecrackers released in the streets.