16 August 2021
Journalist Nick McKenzie’s expose of the National Socialist Network and other groups, such as Combat-18, that are active here in Australia raises the very serious question of why the Morrison Government has not yet proscribed these groups as terrorist organisations.
13 August 2021
Scott Morrison and Christian Porter’s disastrous intervention to support Clive Palmer’s attack on Western Australia and Queensland’s COVID-19 border restrictions cost taxpayers over $1 million.
10 August 2021
An Albanese Labor Government will fully implement all 55 recommendations of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s groundbreaking Respect@Work Report to help keep Australians safe from sexual harassment at work.
08 August 2021
The Morrison Government must finally reveal the full cost of its decision to side with Clive Palmer’s bid to tear down Western Australia’s border controls against COVID-19.
05 August 2021
Scott Morrison’s delusional and arrogant attempt to declare National Cabinet exempt from public scrutiny has been comprehensively repudiated by a judge of the Federal Court.
30 July 2021
The decision to permanently suppress the documents at the heart of the ABC’s successful defence of Christian Porter’s defamation action means Mr Morrison no longer has an excuse to refuse to hold an independent inquiry into the serious allegations against the former Attorney-General.
26 July 2021
An Albanese Labor Government will establish a powerful, transparent and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission.
24 July 2021
Labor congratulates Rear Admiral the Hon Jack Rush RFD QC RAN on his appointment as Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force.
21 July 2021
The shocking findings that 80 per cent of Muslim people living in Australia have experienced discrimination based on their religion, race or ethnicity is further evidence for the need for Australia to establish and implement a National Anti-Racism Framework.
23 June 2021
The Morrison Government should stop dragging its feet and urgently and comprehensively address major challenges with the National Redress Scheme.