Member for Isaacs


Charter of Human Rights

03 September 2008

There is nothing constitutionally impossible, and certainly no loss of parliamentary sovereignty, with a legislated charter of rights.

Uranium Sales to India 2008

01 September 2008

Australia welcomes India's rise and its greater interest in East Asia.

Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and other Measures) Bill 2008

28 August 2008

To my mind, this bill certainly reflects the values of a modern, confident Australia: equality before the law, the protection of children, access to justice, fairness and the inclusion of all Australian citizens.

Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

28 August 2008

This bill will help the Office of Police Integrity continue with the great work that it has done. 

Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

27 August 2008

Good governance practices are essential for the operation of our democracy.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment Bill 2008

27 August 2008

The Rudd Labor government is serious about tackling climate change. We understand that it is one of the greatest economic and environmental challenges facing our country and indeed the globe.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

26 June 2008

Above all, this bill honours Australia's commitment under the United Nations Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and will help preserve this place of pristine natural beauty.

Gilad Shalit

26 June 2008

These kidnappings are an impediment to lasting peace in the region. They are a crime against the laws of war and they are a personal tragedy for these young men and their families.

Human Rights

26 June 2008

The use of torture is an abuse by the state of its powers, but it is worse than that: it is a denial of the humanity of the victim. It is the antithesis of those values on which we base our social and political systems. It is degrading and dehumanising, and its elimination demands international attention and action.

Statute Law Revision BiIl

25 June 2008

This amendment, though uncontroversial and highly technical, has the opportunity to change the manner and form of laws that as law makers in this place we deal with on an everyday basis. This is good progress to ensure that our statute books are gender neutral, and