19 October 2018
It has taken more than 40 years for the Family Court's existence to be threatened. But that is happening now.
25 August 2017
Whether or not you think section 44(i) is unnecessary or doesn't reflect our multicultural society, the fact is it is in our constitution and it is the current law of the land, until it is changed.
30 May 2017
In an era where fake news can spread myths and conspiracy theories with extreme efficiency, it is more important than ever for elected politicians to use what authority they have to present the facts and set people straight.
01 February 2017
Torture is wrong, and that fact is so self-evident that it shouldn't have to be said. It also doesn't 'work' in extracting reliable confessions. It is an abhorrent relic of the darkest chapters of human history, and in 2017 there is simply no place for torture as a policy of democratic governments.
11 November 2016
The anti-18C argument only survives because it is based on misrepresentation of the way in which this provision works.
06 May 2016
The Coalition's past three years have caused confusion and chaos throughout the arts sector. The Coalition's arts policy has been to cut arts funding and compromise the independence of the Australia Council.
Labor in government will rebuild trust and confidence in the arts trust and confidence which has been trashed by the Abbott-Turnbull Government.
03 May 2016
Labor will ensure all roles at the Human Rights Commission are appropriately filled with the right people for those important jobs, and stand back and let the Commissioners do their job
15 April 2016
Only a Royal Commission can examine whether existing laws are adequate and whether the regulators have the powers and resources they need to address the systemic problems that are so clearly evident in our financial system, and to suggest steps to restore the public's trust in our financial sector.
18 March 2016
Since becoming Prime Minister, Mr Turnbull has presided over one of the most significant outbreaks of hateful, ugly anti-LGBTI rhetoric coming from our politicians in recent memory in Australia. Not from external sources, but from inside his own party.
16 March 2016
CSIRO is not a glorified consultancy. It is not a start-up looking only to maximise profit opportunities. It is one of the most important scientific institutions in the world with an obligation to do research that is in the long-term public interest, not just the short-term interests of the private sector.