Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Mark Dreyfus Launches News Measures To Boost Energy Efficiency In Office Buildings

01 November 2010

The Australian Government today welcomed moves to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings with the commencement of the Commercial Building Disclosure program.

Home Insulation Safety Plan - update

18 October 2010

On Friday the Auditor General released his report into the Home Insulation Program (HIP) that was produced
in response to a request by the then Minister Assisting the Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet, on 3
March this year.

Government Welcomes ANAO Report Into The Home Insulation Program

15 October 2010

The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, today welcomed the release of the Auditor-General’s report into the Home Insulation Program and accepted the report’s findings.

Release of Green Loans ANAO report

29 September 2010

Greg Combet, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, today welcomed the release of the
Auditor General’s report into the Government’s Green Loans program and accepted the report’s