Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance To Australia) Bill

04 September 2015

Today the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security released the report of its inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015.

Brandis Backflip On Hate Speech

04 September 2015

After promising to weaken protections against racist hate speech, which would have made it easier for Holocaust deniers to preach their hate, Attorney-General Senator George Brandis has today flagged new criminal laws to stop people seeking to espouse hatred, violence, or worse."

Tasmanian Arts Sector Under Threat

03 September 2015

At today's packed public hearing inquiring into cuts to arts funding, witnesses expressed deep concern about the future of the Tasmanian arts sector given the Government's harsh cuts to the Australia Council in the 2015/16 budget

Royal Commission Damaged Beyond Repair

31 August 2015

Tony Abbott's royal commission has descended into high farce, riddled with political bias.

The Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse Redress Recommendations Must Be Made Public

31 August 2015

Labor calls on the Abbott Government to publicly release the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on redress, due to be handed to the Governor-General today.

Big Tobacco FOI Attack On Children A New Low

20 August 2015

Labor is alarmed at today's report tobacco companies are hijacking Freedom of Information laws to obtain data from surveys by thousands of Victorian school children and teenagers that reveal their attitudes to smoking and alcohol.

Government All Over The Shop In Rushed EPBC Announcement

18 August 2015

Today's announcement of changes to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is nothing but a pathetic attempt by the Abbott Government to distract from its political woes and its defence of Tony Abbott's besieged royal commissioner Dyson Heydon.

Arts Sector Blasts Abbott Government Budget Cuts

05 August 2015

At today's packed public hearing in Melbourne for the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs references Committee into the Impact of the 2014 and 2015 Commonwealth Budget decisions on the Arts, witnesses roundly condemned the Abbott Government's attack on the arts.

Labor Challenges Abbott Government Secrecy In Tribunal Hearing

28 July 2015

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus today challenged the Abbott Government's secrecy in a hearing of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

More Need To Be Done To Counter Violent Extremism At Home

23 June 2015

Reports today reveal the Abbott Government has dropped the ball in regards to preventing radicalisation at home.