Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Tasmanian Arts Taskforce Consults On How To Create Jobs

22 September 2015

Federal Labor's Tasmania Taskforce today met in Hobart to discuss the future of Tasmania's arts industry.

Turnbull's Right Hand Man A Fierce Advocate Of Weakening Hate Speech Protections

21 September 2015

Malcolm Turnbull's decision to appoint Senator James McGrath as his Assistant Minister shows a lack of judgement and will greatly concern Australia's diverse migrant communities who oppose weakening Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Fifield Must Abandon Brandis Arts Slush Fund

21 September 2015

Malcolm Turnbull has done the right thing in stripping the Arts ministry from Senator George Brandis QC.

Senate Condemns Turnbull's Sell-out On Marriage Equality

16 September 2015

A Senate Committee has today rejected Tony Abbott's plan for a plebiscite on marriage equality, a plan that Malcolm Turnbull has made his own as the price of taking the Liberal leadership.

Turnbull Government Needs To Act On Redress Recommendations

15 September 2015

Labor welcomes the release of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse's Final report Redress and Civil Litigation.

Labor Welcomes Words But Demands Action

13 September 2015

Labor welcomes the Prime Minister's strong support for action to end the scourge of family violence on our nation.

Still No Real Detail On Brandis's Book Council

11 September 2015

More than nine months after announcing the creation of a new Book Council of Australia on 8 December 2014, the Minister for the Arts Senator Brandis today announced it once again in his speech to the Australian Society of Authors in Sydney.

Abbott Government Needs To Support Frontline Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Services

07 September 2015

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs Shayne Neumann and Shadow Minister for Women Senator Claire Moore met in Canberra today with representatives from Family Violence Prevention Legal Services from around the country and heard the importance these frontline services play to reduce victimisation and incarceration rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Brandis a disastrous Attorney-General and Arts Minister

06 September 2015

Tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of the Abbott Government's election.

Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance To Australia) Bill

04 September 2015

Today the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security released the report of its inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015.