Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Slomo: You Forgot About Whistleblowers

21 April 2016

In his mad scrambling response to Labor's call for a Royal Commission into the banking and financial services, Treasurer Scott Morrison has ignored ASIC's own calls to improve Australia's corporate whistleblower laws.

Winmalee Bushfire Victims Priced Out Of Rebuilding Their Own Homes

21 April 2016

Shadow Minister for Emergency Services Mark Dreyfus today visited the Blue Mountains town of Winmalee, devastated in a 2013 bushfire which claimed 200 homes, to see first-hand the difficulties victims are having in rebuilding their own homes.

Australians Still Don't Know When Their Personal Cyber Security Has Been Breached

21 April 2016

Three years after mandatory data breach notification legislation was introduced into the Parliament by the Labor government, the Liberal Party is set to squib it on this important cyber-security measure once again

Cormann Is Wrong: He Can Direct AEC

19 April 2016

In an effort to make up for the poor performance of Scott Morrison in the House of Representatives yesterday, Senator Cormann has said several times today that he does not have the power to direct an investigation by the Australian Electoral Commission into the NSW Liberal Party's dodgy dealings with donations.

Brandis Wrong On ABCC

18 April 2016

In the government's desperation to get its double-dissolution election trigger ready, Senator Brandis has forgotten the facts.

Slomo Gets It Wrong Again On ASIC

18 April 2016

Hot on the heels of Senator Brandis egregious mistake on the Australian Building and Construction Commission this morning, Scott Morrison has made a major error in Question Time today in his description of the powers of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

25th Anniversary Of Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths In Custody

15 April 2016

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Community Legal Centres: Vital Frontline Services Under Threat

14 April 2016

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus today visited two Community Legal Centres with local candidates Peta Murphy and Julian Hill to hear first-hand of their struggles to continue providing vital frontline services to domestic violence victims despite $24 million in cuts from the Abbott-Turnbull government.

Saul Same AM

14 April 2016

Saul Same was a true friend of Labor, but he was also much more than that.

Malcolm And Slomo Wrong On Royal Commission

11 April 2016

The Treasurer is in trouble, again, this time on the back of factually inaccurate comments on the powers of a Royal Commission compared to those of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.