06 November 2020
The High Court has today delivered a humiliating rebuff to the Morrison Government and the Western Australian Liberals over their support for Clive Palmer’s bid to tear down WA’s border controls against COVID-19.
03 November 2020
Experts have slammed the Morrison Government for announcing but not delivering a strong anti-corruption body
02 November 2020
The Morrison Government has proposed a weak, secretive and compromised model clearly designed to allow the Government to pretend it is acting to address corruption while ensuring it could never be held accountable for its multiple scandals.
28 October 2020
Labor congratulates Federal Court Justices Jacqueline Gleeson and Simon Steward on their appointments to the High Court of Australia.
27 October 2020
New research has confirmed the Auditor-General’s budget has been slashed by almost 20 per cent in real terms, since the Liberals and Nationals came to power in 2013.
26 October 2020
At a time when record numbers of Australians are looking for secure work, the Morrison Government has shown – once again –– that it is focused on handing out jobs to Liberal mates rather than on creating jobs for ordinary Australians.
21 October 2020
The Morrison Government has established an integrity unit for higher education in Melbourne at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, it has blamed COVID-19 for the failure to introduce its integrity commission for politicians and bureaucrats.
21 October 2020
Labor is proposing to work with the Government to get the National Redress Scheme working for survivors again.
21 October 2020
The Attorney-General’s own Department has today revealed Mr Porter has been sitting on draft legislation for an integrity commission since December
17 October 2020
It only takes Senator Brandis another day to find himself mired in another scandal.