Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Response to Joint Standing Committee report on Draft Anti-discrimination Bill

21 February 2013

The Gillard Government welcomes the detailed work of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee in examining the draft Bill to consolidate five pieces of legislation which form the body of Australia's anti-discrimination laws.

Cyber attacks on Australian business more targeted and coordinated

17 February 2013

New national survey results from more than 250 major businesses shows cyber attacks are becoming increasingly targeted and coordinated, with one in five experiencing an electronic attack in the last year.

Extra disaster assistance for Tumbulgum flood victims

15 February 2013

The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) has been extended to people severely affected by the flooding caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald in the NSW township of Tumbulgum.

New web tool translates family law into plain language

15 February 2013

Plain language explanations of common family law terms will become accessible with the release of a new web-based tool.

Appointment of Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth

14 February 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus today announced the appointment of Justin Thomas Gleeson SC as the Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth.

Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse

13 February 2013

The Australian Government today introduced legislation to amend the Royal Commissions Act 1902 to assist the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Indigenous Justice funding closes soon

08 February 2013

Organisations working with Indigenous communities to improve community safety and reduce adverse contact with the criminal justice system are encouraged to apply for a grant before the funding round closes on Friday next week.

Natural disaster declarations extended following bush fires across NSW

07 February 2013

Federal Minister for Emergency Management Mark Dreyfus and NSW Minister for Emergency Services Michael Gallacher have announced a further 20 areas are eligible for disaster assistance following bush fires across NSW.

Natural disaster declarations extended following flooding across Northern NSW

06 February 2013

Federal Minister for Emergency Management Mark Dreyfus and NSW Minister for Emergency Services Michael Gallacher have today announced an additional five Local Government Areas will receive assistance through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements following storms and floods in Northern NSW.

Statement On Comments By Christopher Pyne

04 February 2013

Christopher Pyne’s callous non-apology today for his deeply offensive comments comparing the Australian Government with Hitler’s Third Reich must be condemned by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.