Member for Isaacs

Media Releases

Australia joins Open Government Partnership

22 May 2013

The Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus QC, announced today that Australia will join the Open Government Partnership.

Attorney-General visits Sussex Street Community Law Service

20 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC commended the work of the Sussex Street Community Law Service during a visit to the centre today with Western Australia Senator Mark Bishop.

Funding for legal assistance partnership through the National Broadband Network

20 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC today announced that Legal Aid WA will receive $214,000 in funding to provide legal assistance services and professional training to regional Western Australia through the National Broadband Network.

Appointments to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia

16 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC today announced two appointments to the recently renamed Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

Increasing access to justice because everyone deserves a fair go

14 May 2013

The Gillard Government has committed an additional $118.2 million in the 2013-14 Budget to improve access to justice for Australians.

Reviews of counter-terrorism laws released today

14 May 2013

The Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC today tabled two important and detailed reviews of counter-terrorism and national security laws - the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Review of Counter-Terrorism Laws and the second annual report of the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor.

Funding boost for Youthlaw

10 May 2013

Youthlaw, the Young People's Legal Rights Centre Inc based in Melbourne, will receive a one-off funding boost of $100,000 to continue funding its important Skype-based outreach service, Youthlaw Online.

Attorney-General welcomes outcomes of Quintet meeting

09 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus MP QC has today concluded meetings in Auckland with Attorneys-General from New Zealand, Canada, the United States and United Kingdom.

Arbitration Under The Timor Sea Treaty

03 May 2013

Timor-Leste notified Australia on April 23 that it has initiated arbitration under the 2002 Timor Sea Treaty of a dispute related to the 2006 Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS).

Funding boost for Pine Rivers Community Legal Service

03 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC today announced that the Pine Rivers Community Legal Service will receive a one-off funding boost of $60,000.