Member for Isaacs

Seven Sunrise 17 July 2024

17 July 2024

SUBJECT: MH17 10th Anniversary.




SUBJECT: MH17 10th Anniversary.

MICHAEL USHER: 298 victims of the MH17 tragedy. it was 10 years ago in 2014 when a Russian missile blew the Malaysian Airlines flight out of the sky over eastern Ukraine.

NATALIE BARR: Among those killed were 38 people who called Australia home. Three men have been convicted of murder over their deaths, but Russia refuses to hand them over to face jail time. Joining us now is Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus. Good morning to you, Mark. You will be representing Australia at the service in Amsterdam today. Are you expecting the families of those Australian victims to join you at today's service?

ATTORNEY-GENERAL: Yes indeed I am. Today we are going to be commemorating the dreadful events of July 17, 2014. I met with a number of the families and loved ones of those who died, the Australians who died, who are here in The Hague to join with hundreds and hundreds of Dutch family and Dutch loved ones of the 196 people from the Netherlands who perished in the downing of MH17. It's going to be very sombre event.

USHER: Attorney-General, I personally think it just remains outrageous that Yes, Justice was delivered in terms of the convictions, but no one has served a day inside a prison cell. Russia refuses to hand over the three men who were targeted and convicted of allowing this missile to be launched out of eastern Ukraine. And when you look at the faces of those Australians here, the little Australians that died in all of this, isn't there still, to this day, a great injustice?

ATTORNEY-GENERAL: Of course we are going to continue Michael to pursue those responsible for this until we get justice and accountability. We're not going to let up. We've helped The Netherlands obtain those convictions in the District Court here in The Hague. Of course, those convictions were in absentia. The three men who've been convicted of these murders are still in Russia. We are continuing to pursue Russia in the International Civil Aviation Organization to try and get justice for the families in that way. We will leave no stone unturned to bring those responsible to justice and to make it clear the responsibility that the Russian Federation has for what occurred here.

BARR: It's just disgusting, isn't it? What's your message to Russia this morning?

ATTORNEY-GENERAL: Our message to Russia on behalf of those who died, on behalf of their family and loved ones, is that Russia should admit its responsibility for this terrible event, the downing of MH17 ten years ago. It should immediately hand over the three men who were convicted by the District Court in The Hague and Russia should start to cooperate with this proceeding in the International Civil Aviation Organization which we are going to proceed with whether or not Russia chooses to cooperate. But that's my message to the Russian Federation.

USHER: Just before you go doesn't it make your blood boil? I mean every time Russia postures over Australia's stance about anything to do with Russia, and the most recent allegations about spying, they come out strongly and take a stand against Australia. They've never publicly taken responsibility for killing Australians in this crash.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL: Indeed, it's not just making my blood boil, t's something that I think would enrage very many Australians. It's something that we're not going to let go. We're going to continue to pursue justice and pursue accountability.

BARR: Yes, you're right. We won't forget. And thank you very much for joining us this morning and reminding all Australians of what today means.