Member for Isaacs

Government must end speculation over changes to 18C

19 March 2014

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC says it's time the Government ended speculation over changes to the Racial Discrimination Act and told Australians what their plans are.

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP
Shadow Attorney-General
Member for Isaacs


Government must end speculation over changes to 18C

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC says it's time the Government ended speculation over changes to the Racial Discrimination Act and told Australians what their plans are.

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC says it's time the Government ended speculation over changes to the Racial Discrimination Act and told Australians what their plans are.

There are reports today that Tony Abbott is going to water down the protections in Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, despite warnings from community groups and members of his own party room.

"Since 2011 the Liberal Party has indicated its intention to repeal the prohibitions against racially motivated hate speech in Section 18C," Mr Dreyfus said.

"Without a word to the community groups who understand better than anyone the protection Section 18C provides, Senator Brandis claimed his first legislative act would be to repeal it.

"Then, in the face of sustained criticism by those ethnic and community groups, he began to step back from the promise he made.

"Now Tony Abbott has shown that he doesn't care about the consultations his Attorney-General is now engaged in and will steam ahead with his plans to water down the important protections in Section 18C.

"It is telling too, that despite the tough talk from Mr Abbott, he has not indicated a timeframe for the introduction of his Government's changes.

"The Government should leave Section 18C exactly as it is. It has served our community well for almost 20 years.

"By simply stirring up argument over the repeal of this provision the Government is already sending a message that they are prepared to give a green light to hate speech.

"Time's up. Stop floating vague ideas and encouraging speculation about just how far the Abbott Government is prepared to water down the Racial Discrimination Act.

"Six months into this Government there is still no clear picture of the changes planned to Sections 18C and 18D beyond a clear signal that they will be weakened."