Member for Isaacs

Attorney-General visits Sussex Street Community Law Service

20 May 2013

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC commended the work of the Sussex Street Community Law Service during a visit to the centre today with Western Australia Senator Mark Bishop.

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP
Minister for Emergency Management
Special Minister of State
Minister for the Public Service and Integrity

Senator Mark Bishop
Senator for Western Australia

Joint Media Release

Attorney-General visits Sussex Street Community Law Service

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC commended the work of the Sussex Street Community Law Service during a visit to the centre today with Western Australia Senator Mark Bishop.

"Community legal centres such as the Sussex Street Community Law Service play an invaluable role in the delivery of legal services to disadvantaged people in the community and those with special needs." Mr Dreyfus said.

"I was delighted to meet staff and clients and hear about how valuable this centre is to their local community."

Sussex Street Community Law Service is a community based, non-profit legal centre providing assistance across a range of general legal problems as well as specialising in welfare rights and disability discrimination matters.

"The Sussex Street Community Law Service will receive $350,000 in funding from the Gillard Government this financial year," Mr Dreyfus said.

"This forms part of the $46 million in funding budgeted for legal assistance service providers in Western Australia in 2012-13.

"The Government is committed to improving access to justice and our total nation-wide contribution to legal assistance services over the four years will be $1.413 billion, including increased funding of $10.3 million over four years for Community Legal Centres."

The Centre has been providing social welfare services since 1978 and legal assistance services since 1982.

MONDAY, 20 MAY 2013