Member for Isaacs

Appointments to the Family Law Council

26 February 2025

I am pleased to announce the appointment of eleven members to the Family Law Council.



Appointments to the Family Law Council

I am pleased to announce the appointment of eleven members to the Family Law Council.

The Council is established under the Family Law Act 1975, and is an independent body that provides expert advice to the Attorney-General on complex family law issues.

The Hon Justice Jacoba Brasch (Chair), Dr Rachel Carson, the Hon John Faulks, Judge Alexandra Harland and Ms Julie Jackson have been re-appointed to the Council.

Ms Antoinette Braybrook, Ms Philippa Davis, Ms Zoe Rathus, Ms Anne-Marie Rice, Mr Nick Tebbey and Mr Glenn Thompson have been appointed as new members to the Council.

All appointments are for a three-year period. The Hon Justice Richard O’Brien of the Family Court of Western Australia also continues his three-year term on the Council, following his appointment on 7 March 2024.

I take this opportunity to thank the new Council member for their willingness to contribute their expertise to this important institution.

I also acknowledge the outstanding work of members whose appointments concluded at the end of last year, including the outgoing Chair, the Hon Deputy Chief Justice of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Robert McClelland AO.


The Hon Justice Jacoba Brasch
Justice Brasch is a Judge of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1). She was admitted to the Bar in 2000 and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2014. Justice Brasch specialises in family law, particularly difficult children’s matters, domestic violence, child protection and mental health issues.

Dr Rachel Carson
Dr Carson joined the Family Law and Violence team at the Australian Institute of Family Studies in 2012 and has held the role of Senior Research Fellow and Executive Manager of the Family Law, Family Violence and Elder Abuse Research Program since 2021.

The Hon John Faulks
Mr Faulks is a former Deputy Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, serving with the Court for 22 years. His many contributions to the Court included oversight of the Magellan project, which was introduced by the Family Court to specifically manage cases involving allegations of child abuse. In 2017 Mr Faulks was appointed as a part-time Commissioner of the Australian Law Reform Commission to assist in its review of the family law system.

Judge Alexandra Harland
Judge Harland is a Judge of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2), appointed in 2013. Judge Harland established and chairs the Joint Courts Diversity and Inclusion Working Group in 2024. Her Honour has expertise in issues affecting same sex families, artificial reproduction, surrogacy to legal parentage and identity and children’s rights generally.

Ms Julie Jackson
Ms Jackson has served as Director of Early Intervention Services at Legal Aid WA since 2019. Ms Jackson began work at Legal Aid WA in 1985 and is a recognised leader in representing children in protection and care, family law and criminal law matters.

Ms Antoinette Braybrook AM
Ms Braybrook has worked at the frontline of Aboriginal women’s safety as the CEO of Djirra, a position she has held since the service was established in 2002. She is Co-Chair of Change the Record, Australia’s only national First Nations led justice coalition of legal, health and family violence prevention experts.

Ms Philippa Davis
Ms Davis has been Principal Solicitor at Women’s Legal Service NSW since 2019. Ms Davis has worked in Community Legal Centres for more than 24 years, the last 12 of these years at Women’s Legal Service NSW.

Ms Zoe Rathus AM
Ms Rathus has held the position of Senior Lecturer at Griffith University Law School since 2005. Her research focuses on women and the law, particularly the family law system and the impact of family violence on women and children.

Ms Anne-Marie Rice
Ms Rice is the Executive Director National Registrar Practice Operations and Senior Judicial Registrar at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. Ms Rice is also a lecturer in mediation and conflict management at the University of Queensland. She is an accredited specialist in family law.

Mr Nick Tebbey
Mr Tebbey has been National Executive Officer at Relationships Australia since 2019. Through this role, Mr Tebbey engages regularly with government with respect to family law reform and policy implementation, representing the interests of the national network of Relationships Australia organisations funded to deliver family law and social support to the community.

Mr Glenn Thompson OAM
Mr Thompson is an accredited specialist in family law, Director of Newnham Solicitors and an Adjunct Lecturer at the College of Law. Mr Thompson has specialised in Family Law for 38 years.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025