Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation
Tony Abbott’s proposal today for a Private Members Bill is nothing more than a political stunt.
What Mr Abbott is suggesting is fiscally irresponsible and is the sort of kneejerk reaction you’d expect
from someone with a $70 billion budget black hole that still hasn’t been explained to the Australian
Mr Abbott pretends to support manufacturing but when it comes to the crunch he’s voted no to
supporting Australian steel workers and yes to the Coalition proposal to rip at least $500 million out
of Australia’s auto industry.
He claims to support the solar hot water industry, but has opposed the Government’s $330 million
Low Carbon Communities program which includes support for installation of solar hot water systems.
If Mr Abbott wants a strong renewable energy industry in Australia he should get behind the
Government and support the price on carbon.
The most significant long term support for the solar hot water industry will come from a carbon price.
The Government has been clear that Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme—Solar Hot Water Rebate
(REBS) was always going to end on 30 June of this year, as planned when the rebate was first
established in 2007.
The Government has also been clear that households that have purchased a solar hot water system
have until 30 June to apply for the rebate. This means the Government will continue to process
applications after 30 June and the rebate will continue to be paid into the 2012-13 financial year –
that’s the logic Mr Abbott and Mr Hunt continue to struggle with.
Households installing a typical solar hot water system will still receive between $800 and $1000 in
Renewable Energy Certificates and the installation of solar hot water system is eligible for support
under the Low Carbon Communities program, worth over $330 million.
The solar and heat pump industry can also seek assistance under the Clean Technology Innovation
Program to support further innovation and product improvement.
The Gillard Labor Government has a strong track record of supporting jobs and growth, consistently
managing the economy in a way that supports working families.
Mr Abbott said no to saving jobs from the ravages of economic uncertainty, instead preferring to take
workers back into the dark ages of WorkChoices.