Member for Isaacs

Jobs and Skills Expo Connects 8,900 to Jobs and Training - Mark Dreyfus QC MP

More than 8,900 people were connected with employment and skills trainingopportunities at the Australian Government Jobs and Skills Expo in Dandenong yesterday.

More than 8,900 people were connected with employment and skills trainingopportunities at the Australian Government Jobs and Skills Expo in Dandenong yesterday.

Minister for Human Services Kim Carr said today's Dandenong Jobs and Skills Expo was a great success.

"While unemployment rates in some regions have improved, there's more work to be done in many places, including here in South Eastern Melbourne," Senator Carr said.

"People today took advantage of more than 1,000 job opportunities, submitting 1,463 resumes to the 103 exhibitors," he said.

"Exhibitors have told us as many as 700 job seekers may be placed in jobs - real jobs for people seeking work now."

Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation, and Member for Isaacs, Mr Mark Dreyfus praised local job seekers and organisations who worked together to make the day a success.

"Yesterday's Jobs and Skills Expo was a great boost for the region and a great example of local organisations working together to help people find a job," Mr Dreyfus said.

"It is never too late to up-skill, re-skill or engage in the workforce and the Expo helped people in Greater Dandenong to take the first step."

Since October 2009, 48 Expos have been held across the country, as part of the Gillard Labor Government's $3 billion Building Australia's Future Workforce' package. More information on the Jobs and Skills Expos is available by calling 13 11 58 or from the website at