Member for Isaacs

Dutton shuts door on Dandenong - Mark Dreyfus QC MP

Member for Isaacs Mark Dreyfus and Member for Bruce Julian Hill have condemned the Turnbull government after it announced that it would close the Department of Immigration Office in Dandenong at 4pm on Thursday 31 August.

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP

Shadow Attorney General
Shadow Minister for National Security
Federal Member for Isaacs

Julian Hill MP

Federal Member for Bruce


Member for Isaacs Mark Dreyfus and Member for Bruce Julian Hill have condemned the Turnbull government after it announced that it would close the Department of Immigration Office in Dandenong at 4pm on Thursday 31 August.

The Turnbull government has failed the Greater Dandenong community again and again. That this office is closing when it supports thousands of local families is an indictment on Mr Turnbull and Mr Dutton, Mr Dreyfus said.

The government ran no consultation with the Greater Dandenong community and is now closing this office with no real explanation. It really shows that this governments priorities have never been supporting Greater Dandenong.

Member for Bruce Julian Hill thanked Department of Immigration staff for their service to the Greater Dandenong community.

This is a bitterly disappointing day for our local community, but especially for the staff. Quite frankly, they deserve better than this treatment, Mr Hill said.

Not once in this sorry saga did Minister Peter Dutton listen to the views of his own staff or the community. He has slammed the door on Dandenong and this will not be forgotten.

The Turnbull government will close the doors on the Department of Immigration office in Dandenong at 4pm on Thursday 31 August.